Microbiology section, microbiology, ethology, pathogenes, opportunistic microbial immunology and microbial methods of their microbiol. The subjects of the M.C. study the microbiology catcher…
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1973 Mr. Lecturer in the first qualification category of ICACU. The pedagogical stage is eight years old. Graduated from the Chemical and Biological Faculty of the BCG in 1996, in theBiology…
(greek oikos - housing, habitat, logos - science) - The term was proposed in 1866 by the German zoologist, Ernst Geckel. Ecology became possible after extensive knowledge of the diversity of…
Leading the topic of Microorganism detection. Microbiological research. : 1. Microorganism detection techniques. Organization of a microbiological laboratory. Classification of microbiological…
Microbiology finds itself at the juncture of fundamental and clinical disciplines, it is necessary for doctors of all professions. Infectious diseases are at the forefront of human diseases…
Leading the topic of The infections of urea. Sanitary microbiology. : 1. Diagnosis of urea infections. Treatment of urea infections. 2. That s enough. Diagnostic prostate. Prostate treatment…
Section M., which examines the human environment microflour in terms of the possible negative or beneficial effects of micro-organisms on human health and the environment, which develops microbiological…
Microbiology (from the Greek micros- small, bios-life, logos-learning, i.e. small life learning) is a science that teaches organisms, invisible unarmed eyes, which for their microscopic dimensions…
Garacco Ekaterina Vladimirovna graduated from IvGmi Medical School in 1970. There was a specialization in health bacteriology in 1971, working as a practical doctor, and then as a scientific…
The courseInvisibleis intended for students in the 10th to 11th grades who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of biology and is substantively focused. TheInvisiblecourse provides practical…
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