Scientific And Practical Centre For Epidemiology And Microbiology

Information on persons responsible for scientific research in epidemiology and microbiology NCRE
Petkevic Alexander Sergejevic
In 1973, the Minsk State Institute of Medical Care was completed by a health doctor, and in 1976 a special postgraduate postgraduate at the D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Vulnerology (M. Moscow, Russian Federation) in the fields of virology, candidate of medical sciences, dozent. Since 22 December 1986, he has served as Deputy Director of the State Institute ' s Scientific and Practical Science Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology”
In 1977, he defended a candidate ' s dissertation on the theme " Remandine action for Sinbis reproduction " .
Main scientific interests:
Chemical treatment and chemical prevention of viral infections; study of natural, nomadic and particularly dangerous infectious diseases.
Chairman of the Republican Regime Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, member of the working group of the Coordinating Council on the Health Protection of the Territories of the States Parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States against the Importation and Dissemination of Particularly Hazardous Infectious Diseases, Chairman of the National Committee for the Certification of the Elimination of Poliomyelitis.