Historical Development Of Microbiology

We all know very well that rusty flour with its bread-food properties is different from wheat. This distinction requires acidification of the test to ensure the quality of bread. Until recently, only traditional biological stacks - dense and liquid with welds and no welds - were used to acidify rust flour in bakery plants.
During the 1980s, the twentieth century had created a need to produce bakeries with breaks within 24 hours and days of the week. The production of bread under these conditions in traditional squids is related to the need to conserve the squeaks, which requires additional energy and labour. Research, development and protection of the USSR ' s authoritative certificate was carried out at the Institute ' s branch of the Institute, and the technology on the rustled concentration-free Zkwaske was developed and protected.
This technology has been used in enterprises located in the southern regions, and particularly in the resort zone, as well as in rushes where the production of rusted varieties has been small.
Clean crops of dairy bacteria and bladder are used for the preparation of biological squeezes in the divorce cycle. In a branch from 1946, there is a collection of milk-oxidized bacteria and bladders for the bakery industry officially registered in the RASHN and listed collections that deposit non-pathogenic (i.e. unhealthy) microorganisms for public needs.
For decades, several generations of microbiologists have collected, studied and supported this unique collection, which now has a bank of more than 150 industrial and model strains. The collection fund is being replenished by new revenues from its own development of a branch, mutual exchange with other Russian collections and loans in the deposit of stamps, whose species and scientific and technical significance correspond to the collection profile.
The identification and passportization of the crops included in the collection is carried out, with the simultaneous accumulation and systematization of all available information on them and the compilation of inventories of stored crops. Methods for maintaining collection crops in a viable state are being developed. Liquid and dry organic crops are provided with various forms of ownership.