Applied Biochemistry And Microbiology

- " PREACTIVE BIOHIMY AND MICRIBIOLOGY " , USSR AN scientific journal, since 1965, Moscow, 6 numbers a year...
- (Micro...) and the Biology of Science, which teaches the microorganisms of Bacteria, Mikoplasma, Aktinomicets, Draži, microscopic mushrooms and Volodros their systems, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, inheritance and variability, distribution and... Big Soviet encyclopedia.
♪ I Biochemical chemical, science, studying the composition of organisms, structure, properties and localization of compounds found therein, ways and patterns of their education, sequence and transformation mechanisms, and their... Big Soviet encyclopedia.
♪ This term has other meanings, see Biochemia (values). Biochemistry (biological or physiological chemistry) science about the chemical composition of living cells and organisms and the chemical processes that underpin their lives... ...Vicipedia
♪ This term has other meanings, see Biochemia (values). Quantitative biochemistry in the science field that emerged from the biochemistry, quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry. The main objective of quantum biochemistry is to study methods... ...Vicipedia
- Mathematics Research in Mathematics started in Russia from 18 V., when L. Eiler, D. Bernuli and other Western European scientists joined the Petersburg AN. According to Peter I, the aliens... Big Soviet encyclopedia.
♪ This is an official list of articles established to coordinate the development of the topic. This warning isn't a whisper...