Basic Bacteria
The title of "Bacteria." The mushrooms. Simple."
1. Bacteria. Procariots. Eukariots. The difference between procaritic and eukariotic cells. Arhabacteria. Eubacteria.
2. Bacteria. Charoid bacteria (micrococks, diplocks, sarcines, staphilics, streptocks). Cocky. Bacteria bacteria (basillas, clostrides).
4. Bacteria nitheid involution forms. Bacteria reproduction. Bacteria multiplication principles. Bacteria replication.
5. The mushrooms. The rise of mushrooms. Animal type of growth of mushrooms. Mitral growth.
6. Dears. It's a nice mushroom. Blastoconides. Gray mushrooms. Growing mushrooms. Dimorphysm of mushrooms.
7. The breeding of mushrooms. Half-time mushrooms. Condesy. Artroconides. Chlamidoconium. Sporange.
8. Half mushrooms. Ascosors. Baseballs. Zigos. Mikos.
9. Simple. Protists. Pellicula. Extoplasm. The cysts are simple.
Bacteria is subdivided into two main groups: vibrions and alcohol.
Ooh. vibrations and similar bacteria, the interior of the body does not exceed a quarter of the spiral rotation (e.g., the kampilobacter). Spirochets have bending equal to one or more spiral turns (e.g. syphilis driver).
Actives. Microplasms. Chlamydia. Ricketsia.
Some bacteria are characterized by deviations from three main forms. Corinebacteria often contains bulavial forms, and some of the mycobacteria, actinomites and but cardiacs have cell injection.
Actinomacies - pulmonary grumpy bacteria capable of racing. In the scenes of defeat, there are accumulations of Druze that resemble the departure from the center of the ray with the ends. That's where their name came from today. On the nutritious environments, actinomices form both substrates and aerial myceliums, at the end of which disputes may arise.
As the culture grows, the mice falls on individual pulp and coke-like cells, morphologically close to the so-called grumpy sticks of inappropriate shape -- mycobactics, nocardiams, cinebacteria, etc.
Mikoplas - small bacteria without a true cell wall. The latter replaces a three-layer cellular membrane that provides the osmotic resistance of the bacteria. Microplasms can have a wide variety of shape--- nitheid. ♪ ♪