Slow Microbiology Infections

The research of modern clinicists convinces us that until 1900, the people of the entire planet did not suffer from viral diseases. A statistical analysis of the history of the disease before 1800 shows the existence of diseases caused by microbes of tuberculose, syphilis, streptococcus and staphilec, flash typhoid, cholera, plague, ulcer, etc. Since 1950, there has been an era of mass production of antibiotics and other anti-microbial items (sulphaneylamides, furagine-type drugs, PASC et so forth).
Microbial diseases of medicine have begun to treat me well. Conditions for the complete elimination of dangerous infectious diseases and intercontinental plague and cholera epidemics around the world have emerged. Since 1960, the mass production of antibiotics has started, and the microbial pathology has ended. But a century of multiple viral diseases has begun to grieve humanity. It is not clear why, but mass genetic mutations of viruses, saprophytes (not diseased) have begun, which have given hundreds of new, previously unknown virus diseases.
Global epidemics have begun (grippa, poliomyelitis, measles, ORZ, natural spray, viral meningitis and encephalytes of cosmic and luxury, viral ethics, cancers and viral ethics, AIDS, athypical pneumonia, etc.) due to mutations There are three main ways of contaminating a person with a viral infection: through the air at the chicking and the cough of a sick man (air and cough), through food and water (through vent) and through damaged skin and external slimes (breaths, cracks, sex).
The number of completely new and dangerous virus diseases is increasing every decade. A massive viral attack against humanity has begun. Why is there a rapid mutation of saprofit viruses, why many of them were not pathogenic (i.e., not cause any disease) and today they become deadly dangerous to humans? That's the question. modern medical Science (virusology) cannot answer. There is, and there is no explanation (at the level of genetic changes in DNA and virus NCs).