Infection And Immunity Of Microbiology

Инфекция и иммунитет - Реферат

The recipient of the epidemic cerebrospinal meningitidis (Neisseria meningitidis) is described in detail and distributed in the net culture of Wexelbaum in 1887.

Morphology and biological properties. Meningocca refers to neusseria (Neisseria), which includes, in addition to meningocca, a number of non-pathogenic representatives found in the mouth, socket and upper respiratory paths. These are dipples, round or slightly oval, bobby-like shapes connected by a long axis of inverted sides, 0, 6 to 0, 8 um. In smears Clean Culture may be undisturbed; the pathological material is characterized by a pairing of cells of different sizes and different colour intensity. All neusseria, including meningoccas, are literate. They don't make a fight, they don't have jugs. In humans, a low capsule that is lost in artificial environments may be produced.

Meningocca is aerob, no nutrients grow. Pooling uses nutrients containing nautical protein (sort, blood, asctic fluid, egg white). The optimum pH of environments 7, 0-7, 4, the growth temperature of 37 °C, at 25 °C, the growth shall be stopped. On the serum gar of the meningocca colony, small, diameter 0, 5 to 1 mm, gentle, slightly swell, semi-transparent, blue in passing light, flat edge and smooth surface. Fresh strains form smooth S-forms of colonies, while old cultures are characterized by the formation of rough R-form colonies. In a serum bulone, with growth, there is a disguise with a siege and a film. Biochemical microb is low: decompose only glucose and maltos with acid formation. Hemolysis doesn't go on a blood har, does not burn the stomach, does not form an indola and hydrogen sulphide.

Toxic education. Meningoccas don't make exotoxic. Their lypolysahrid endocin, thermally resistant, with an intra-brush or intravenous introduction, kills it for 24-48 hours. In natural circumstances, animals to meningocca are inappropriate.

Sustainability. In the outer environment, meningock is very fragile: it dies quickly at a temperature of 37 °C when drying. The temperature of 55 °C kills it for 3-5 minutes. The cooling is bad, so when transporting to the laboratory, the material shall be carefully protected from cooling and drying and the crops shall be produced immediately after delivery.

Meningocc is rapidly dying under various disinfectants: 1 per cent of the carbon dioxide solution. ♪ ♪

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