Capsule Microbiology

- a layer of microorganisms. It consists of watered material, mainly polysaharid (or more complex) nature. Depending on the thickness, the layer distinguishes micro and macropsules as well as sliding layers. K. acts as protective... ...My microbiology
- CAPSULA, in zoology, the glue layer, the surrounding walls of certain bacteria cells, which is also referred to as other covering structures, such as the layer of connecting tissue around the bone in the joint, the filming of kidneys and spleen...
♪ This term has other meanings, see Capsul. Bacteria capsule sliding structure with a thickness of more than 0, 2 um, firmly associated with the bacterium cell wall and clearly defined outer limits. The capsule is different in the masks... ...Vicipedia
- CAPSUL OR CAPSULA lat. capsula, shrinking from capsa, boxes. (a) Glass pot in which the ignition dishes are placed in the oven. (b) Med cylindrical cap, slope of the impactor, serving to report the charge fire. (c) Rollul... ...Speak of the Russian language
- One. Membrane, protective casing or any other structure protecting the tissue or body from external exposure. For example, kidneys, kidneys and crystal eyes are surrounded by protective casings. A joint capsule (joint capsule) attached... Medical terms
- (capsule) 1. Membrane, protective casing or any other structure protecting the tissue or body from external exposure. For example, kidneys, kidneys and crystal eyes are surrounded by protective casings. Pumpster (joint capsule), ...
- Surface sliding layer located outside the bacterium, blade or algae wall. Polysaharides, bacteria sometimes from polyeptics...
♪ On current assumptions, aerobic bacteriaor the Bacillus, united as a separate Bacillus family. This species, which includes many different species, has a number of characteristics and differs from... biological encyclopedia.