Microbiology Stage

Federal State Budget Institute of Science, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Micro-organisms, G.K. Skraubina, Russian Academy of Sciences (IBFM RAN)

The Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Micro-organisms, G.K. Scarabina RAN, organized in 1965 at the Centre for Biological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Puško, is the leading Russian Institute of Microbiological and Biotechnology.

The Institute ' s first director was an Academic N.D. Jerusalem, followed by an academy, G.K. Skrabi, from 1989 to the present, Mr. RAN A.M. Boronin. The Institute has become a site for the establishment of national scientific schools, N. D. Jerusalem, G. K. Skribina, A.A. Baeva, M. V. Ivanov, I. S. Kulaeva, A. M. Boronin, L. V. Kalacchi. Their names are linked by large microbiology development phasesmolecular biology and genetics and biotechnology in our country. At present, the management of laboratories and selected areas is carried out by prominent scholars with global acceptance.

The Institute has been established and is now operational as a multi-dimensional scientific institution whose main research is on biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, genetics and the biospheric role of micro-organisms. The Institute ' s specificity is to focus fundamental research on results as the basis for new biotechnology processes. It is the new knowledge of mechanisms for the operation and management of biochemical, physiological, molecular and biological and genetic systems that has enabled the Institute to develop modern biotechnology for microbial medicines for medicine, agriculture, rehabilitation and environmental protection.

Key research areas of the Institute

  • Biodiversity
  • Biochemistry, physiology and biosphere role of micro-organisms
  • Structure and functions of biomolecules and molecular complexes, proteomics, biocatalysis
  • Biotechnology

Main themes

  • Increased maintenance of the entire Russian collection of micro-organisms
  • Molecular and genetic foundations for the organization and operation of microbial cells
  • Microbial metabolism and its regulation
  • Microbial cell growth physiology
  • Plasmid biology
  • Genetic Enzimology
  • Biosynthesis of biologically active compounds and their technology
  • Metabolism and xenophobic degradation
  • Environmental protection and remediation biotechnology
  • Microbiological plant protection tools

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